Future Boxing Club Inc.
460 Buffalo Rd
Buffalo Business Center West
Near the corner of Mt. Read
Rochester New York, 14611
Facility Hours: 4:30 – 7:00pm (Mon – Thurs)
Phone: (585) 978-0977
Email: phil@rocfutureboxing.com
Future Boxing is a registered 501(c)3 Non-Profit Organization. Your Donation is tax deductible. To sponsor a child, make Corporate Sponsorships or to make a Donation, please contact.
Phil Greene
President, Future Boxing Club Inc.
Email: phil@rocfutureboxing.com
Telephone: (585) 978-0977
Catrina Sapp
Corporate and Foundation Relations Manager
Future Boxing Club
460 Buffalo Rd., Suite C
Rochester, NY 14611
E-mail: catrina@rocfutureboxing.com